1. “Babies should be fed every 3 hours.” False: Feeding should be on demand.

During the primary weeks, it’s recommended to breastfeed the baby whenever they invite it, either during the day or in the dark , and this will be from every hour to each 3 hours. this is often because newborns are constantly hungry since their stomachs are small and since breast milk is definitely digested. In addition, frequent breastfeeding will help milk production. As your baby grows, he or she is going to develop a more regular and predictable schedule.

2. Breastfeeding is easy because it’s natural." False: Breastfeeding can be difficult, and it is learned.

Although it’s true that breastfeeding may be a natural action , it’s also a skill that must be developed. And it are often complicated to try to to so, as there could also be some inconveniences, like pain within the breast, frustration, or weak suckling on the baby’s part who must learn to feed. To achieve healthy and calm breastfeeding, the mother must know the various breastfeeding positions. The baby must learn to latch on well to the breast and, if necessary, the assistance of a breastfeeding professional should be sought.

3. “You have to wait between feedings for the breasts to fill up.” False: The more suckling there is, the more milk is produced. 

The best thanks to produce breast milk is to breastfeed regularly. The breasts produce milk in response to the baby’s suckling, and therefore the more the baby suckles, the more milk the mother will produce. additionally , emptying the breasts at each feeding also will help increase production (while the newborn is feeding).

4. “You have to drink milk to produce milk.” False: To produce milk, you have to eat a healthy diet.

To have the energy and nutrients the body must produce milk, the mother may need to eat a touch quite normal: between 330 and 400 additional calories each day , coming from a varied and protein-rich diet, consisting of products like lean meats, eggs, dairy products, vegetables and fish, and seafood with low mercury content, also as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

5. “Breastfeeding should be done only for up to 6 months.” False: Breastfeeding can be done for as long as the mother and the baby want it.

As mentioned above, it’s recommended to breastfeed exclusively for up to six months and, after adding complementary feeding, up to 2 years or more. consistent with experts, breast milk continues to supply benefits for both mother and child, even after 2 years aged , and it’s up to them to make a decision when to finish this process.

6. “Wean the baby if you get pregnant again.” It depends: If the pregnancy is healthy, breastfeeding won’t affect either the mother or the baby.

When a mother who is breastfeeding her child becomes pregnant again and decides to not interrupt breastfeeding in order that once the new baby is born she will breastfeed both of them, what's referred to as tandem nursing occurs. this is often a incontrovertible fact that , consistent with current scientific evidence, is extremely unlikely to affect the event of the pregnancy, the fetus, or the kid .